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ID: 3
Name: James McCreery & Co. (dry goods store)
Address: 801 Broadway, northwest corner East 11th Street
Block and Lot: Block: 563 Lot: 37
Neighborhood: Union Square/14th Street
Date: 1868-69 (NB 918-1868)
Original Use: Commercial
Original Owner: Lake and McCreery
Foundry: J. B. & W. W. Cornell Ironworks
Style: Italianate/French Second Empire
Other Information: The building has two full cast-iron facades. McCreery sold the building to the Methodist Book Concern and Missionary Society and leased back space in the lower floors; McCreery repurchased the building in 1889. James McCreery & Co. remained in the building until 1902. By 1910 the original mansard roof had been replaced. In 1910, the storefront housed Fleischman's Restaurant, and R. Sadowsky, manufacturer of ladies and misses cloaks and suits, occupied the upper floors. Fire destroyed the interior on October 31, 1971. This building because an extremely early conversion of a commercial building into residential units. The mansard roof was removed and two stories added as part of the residential conversion in 1972.
Sources: Gayle, 162-163; King, Moses, King's Handbook of New York (Boston: Moses King, 1893), 852-853; Both Sides of Broadway (1910), 296.
Status Update:
NY Metro Victorian Society of America