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ID: 51
Name: 1026 Sixth Avenue
Address: 1026 Sixth Avenue, between West 38th and 39th Streets
Block and Lot: Block: 840 Lot: 4
Neighborhood: Flatiron
Date: 1906 (Alt. 509-1906)
Original Use: Commercial
Original Owner: Charles Lang and L. Heilbrun
Foundry: unknown
Style: Beaux-Arts
Other Information: This alteration permit is for the conversion of two brick dwellings into offices with stores on the first story. The front walls of the old houses were entirely removed and replaced with a new front of galvanized iron backed up with brick. The spandrel panels appear to be cast iron. Buchman & Fox was a prolific design firm responsible for many commercial buildings in the early decades of the twentieth century.
Status Update:
NY Metro Victorian Society of America