The Metropolitan Chapter of the Victorian Society in America


Metropolitan Chapter Awards 1976-2010

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Central Park Conservancy
Award: Preservation Advocacy

Recipients: Society for the Preservation of Weeksville and Bedford-Stuyvesant History , Award: Grassroots Preservation

Recipient: Janet Parks, Curator of Drawings and Archives at Columbia’s Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library
Award: Special Citation

Recipient: Opera Orchestra of New York (Eve Queler, Director)
Award: Special Citation

Recipients: New York Economic Development Corporation; Jan Hird Pokorny Architects; Tishman Construction Corp.; Robert Silman Associates
For: The Battery-Maritime Building Restoration

Recipients: The Kibel Company; H. Thomas O’Hara Architect; Facade Maintenance Design; Levine Builders; Seaboard Weatherproofing & Restoration Company; Desimone Consulting Engineers
For: 90 West Street Restoration

Recipients: Anna Tobin D’Ambrosio and Nina Gray
For: A Brass Menagerie: Metalwork of the Aesthetic Movement

Recipient: Nancy E. Green of the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
Catalogue and Exhibition
For: Byrdcliffe: An American Arts and Crafts Colony

Recipient: Kenneth D. Ackerman
For: Boss Tweed: The Rise and Fall of the Corrupt Pol Who Conceived the Soul of Modern New York

Barnet Schecter
Social History
The Devil’s Own Work: The Civil War Draft Riots and the Fight to Reconstruct America

Recipient: Debby Applegate
The Most Famous Man in America: The Biography of Henry Ward Beecher

Recipient: William D. Moore
Building Typology
Masonic Temples: Freemasonry, Ritual Architecture, and Masculine Archetypes

Recipient: Nancy L. Todd
Building Typology
New York’s Historic Armories: An Illustrated History

Recipients: Peter Pennoyer and Anne Walker
Architecture Monograph
The Architecture of Warren & Wetmore

Recipients: Kate Lemos, William Morrison, Charles D. Warren, and Mark Alan Hewitt
Architecture Monograph
Carrere & Hastings, Architects

Recipients: Kate Lemos, William Morrison, Charles D. Warren, and Mark Alan Hewitt
Architecture Monograph
Carrere & Hastings, Architects

Recipients: Barbara Cohen-Stratyner (curator), Jacqueline Z. Davis (exec. dir.); New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
Vaudeville Nation

Recipients: Mary Sue Sweeney Price (dir.), Holly Pyne Connor, Mary Kate O’Hare, Sarah Burns, and Mary W. Blanchard; The Newark Museum
Off the Pedestal: New Women in the Art of Homer, Chase, and Sargent

Recipients: Paul Warwick Thompson (dir.), Gail S. Davidson, Floramae McCarron-Cates, Barbara Bloemink, Sarah Burns, and Karal Ann Marling; Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
Frederic Church, Winslow Homer, and Thomas Moran: Tourism and the American Landscape

Recipients: Joan Rosenbaum (dir.), Karen Levitov, Carol J. Ockman, Kenneth E. Silver, Janis Bergman-Carton, and Suzanne Schwartz Zuber; The Jewish Museum
Sarah Bernhardt: The Art of High Drama

Recipients: Lower East Side Tenement Museum (Ruth J. Abram, pres.) and Andrew S. Dolkart
Special Citation
Biography of a Tenement House in New York City

Recipient: Robert C. Kau fmann
Award: Lifetime Achievement Award

Recipients: Alice Cooney Freylinguysen, the Anthony W. and Lulu C. Wang Curator of American Decorative Arts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art was curator of the exhibition and principal author of the catalogue. Richard Guy Wilson, Julia Meech, Elizabeth Hutchinson, Jennifer Thalheimer and Barbara Veith also contributed essays to the catalogue.
Award: Exhibition and Catalogue Award
For: Louis Comfort Tiffany and LaureltonAn Artist’s Country Estate, organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Recipient: Central Park Conservancy
Award: Preservation Award
For: Restoration of the Bethesda Terrace Arcade

Recipient: Eldridge Street Synagogue
Award: Preservation Award
For: Restoration of the structure built in 1887

Recipient: Hermione Lee
Award: Publication Award for Biography
For: Edith Wharton

Recipient: Nigel Cliff
Award: Publication Award for Cultural History
For: The Shakespeare Riots: Revenge, Drama and Death Nineteenth-Century America

Recipient: Jill Jonnes
Award: Publication Award for Infrastructure
For: Conquering Gotham: A Gilded Age Epic: The Construction of Penn Station and Its Tunnels

Recipients: Peter Pennoyer and Anne Walker
Award: Publication – Architectural Monograph
For: The Architecture of Grosvenor Atterbury

Recipient: T. J. Stiles
Award: Publication – Biography
For: The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt

Recipient: David Freeland
Award: Publication – Popular Culture
For: Automats, Taxi Dances, Vaudeville: Excavating Manhattan’s Lost Places of Leisure

Recipients: Doug Clouse and Angela Voulangas
Award: Publication – Visual Culture
For: The Handy Book of Artistic Printing: Collection of Letterpress Examples with Specimens of Type, Ornament, Corner Fills, Borders, Twisters, Wrinklers, and other Freaks of Fancy

Recipient: Andrew S. Dolkart
Award: Publication – Architectural History
For: The Row House Reborn: Architecture and Neighborhoods in New York City, 1908-1929

Recipients: Mina Rieur Weiner, editor, and Paul Gunther, President, the Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America
Award: Publication – Fine & Decorative Arts
For: Edwin Howland Blashfield, Master American Muralist

Recipient: Randall Mason
Award: Publication – Historic Preservation
For:The Once and Future New York: Historic Preservation and the Modern City

Recipients: Harold Holzer , Dr. Louise Mirrer, Dr. Richard Rabinowitz
Award: Exhibition and Catalogue
For:Lincoln and New York

Recipients: Reverend Alan Jackson, Senior Warden Shirley Daniels; and architect Daniel Allen of Cutsogeorge, Tooman & Allen Architects, P.C.
Award: Preservation Award – Roof Restoration
For: St. Andrews Episcopal Church (2067 Fifth Avenue)

Recipients: Consul General Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka, Vice Consul Ewa Gumpert, architect Frank S. Smith, A.I.A. and general contractor Augustyn Lech
Award: Preservation Award – Exterior Restoration
For: De Lamar Mansion, now the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York (233 Madison Avenue)

Recipient: Metropolitan Museum of Art, Catherine Voorsanger and John K. Howat, curators and editors
For: Exhibition, catalog and related activities for Art and the Empire City

Recipient: Brooklyn Museum of Art, Barbara Dayer Gallati and Arthur L. Lehman, curators
For: Exhibition and catalog William Merritt Chase: Modern American Landscapes 1886-1890;

Recipient: Christine Stansell
For: American Moderns: Bohemian New York City and the Creation of a New Century
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Blanche Cirker
Award: Preservation Advocacy

Recipient: Christopher Gray
Award: Preservation Advocacy

Recipient: Hudson River Museum, Michael Botwinick, Director; Paige Ayres Cowley, Architect
For: Glenview Mansion at the Hudson River Museum; restoration of several portions of the interior
Award: Preservation Award

Recipient: Mr. & Mrs. K. Terance McGinley; Tim Boyland, architect; and Mary Dierickx, Architectural Preservation Consutant
For: Gardiner-Tyler House addition

Recipient: Ronald G. Pisano
Award: Lifetime Achievement Award

Recipient: Jane Lowenthal
Award: Lifetime Achievement Award

Recipient: Sharon Irish
For: Cass Gilbert, Architect: Modern Traditionalist
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: U.S. Court of Appeals, 2 nd Circuit
For: Exhibition, catalog and related activities for Cass Gilbert Symposium and Exhibits

Recipient: Rev. Herbert G. Draesel, Jr., Rector
For: Church of the Holy Trinity
Award: Preservation Award

Recipient: Rev. Herbert G. Draesel, Jr., Rector
For: The Story of the Church of the Holy Trinity, 1899-1999
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Geert Palmaerts
Award: Newport Summer School Scholarship

Recipient: S. Gabriela Allen
Award: London Summer School Scholarship

Recipient: Metropolitan Museum of Art
For: American Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Volume 1 – A Catalog of Works by Artists Born Before 1865
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts
For: Exhibition, catalog and related activities for E.W. Godwin: Aesthetic Movement Architect and Designer

Dover Publications
For: Preservation Advocacy
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Jean Strouse
For: Morgan: American Financier
Award: Publication Award

: William Dane; Catherine Hoover Voorsanger
Award: Lifetime Achievement Award

Recipient: Elizabeth De Rosa, Ph.D
For: Exhibition, catalog and related activities for Tiffany: Behind the Glass

Recipient: Amelia Peck
For: Exhibition, catalog and related activities for “Candace Wheeler: The Art and Enterprise of American Design 1875-1900.”

Recipient: Leila Philip
For: A Family Place: A Hudson Valley Farm, Three Centuries, Five Wars and Five Families
Publication Award

Recipient: David B. Dearinger, Ph.D
For: Restoration of Emmanuel Baptist Church
Award: Preservation Award

Recipients: Li Saltzman Architects Architects; Kaitsen Woo Li, architect, Judith Saltzman, architect
For: Restoration of the Nicholas B. and Agnes Benzinger House
Award: Preservation Award

Recipient: Bard Graduate School for Studies in Decorative Artsa
For: Exhibition, catalog and related activities for Hungarian Ceramics from the Zsolnay Manufactory, 1853-2001

Recipient: Brooks McNamara
For: The New York Concert Saloon: The Devil’s Own Nights
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Friends of The Woodlawn Cemetary
For: Preservation Advocacy
Award: Preservation Award

Recipient: The 911 Alwyn Court Owners Corporation
For: Restoration of the Alwyn Court apartments
Award: Preservation Award

: Everett and Evelyn Ortner
Award: Lifetime Achievement

Recipient: Richard Guy Wilson
Award: Special Citation

Recipient: New York Transit Museum
Award: Special Citation

Recipient: Arthur Rosenblatt
Award: Memorial Citation

Recipient: New York Landmarks Conservancy
For: Sacred Sites program
Award: Preservation Advocacy

Recipient: Mud Lane Society
For: The renaissance of Stapleton
Award: Grassroots Preservation

Recipients: Rothzeid, Kaiserman, Thomson & Bee; Jablonski-Berkowitz Conservation
For: Restoration New York Cancer Hospital
Award: Preservation Award

Recipients: Beyer Blinder Belle; Robert Silman Associates PC; Integrated Conservation Resources
For: Tiffany & Company Building

Recipients: H3 Hardy Collaberation; Building Conservation Associates; Boston Valley Terra Cotta; Graciano Corp.; David Kucera Inc.
For: Brooklyn Academy of Music

: Giorgio Cavaglieri, FAIA
For: One of the nations most distinguished preservation architects and a pioneer of adaptive reuse
Award: Lifetime Achievement

Recipients: Newark Museum, Ulysses Grant Dietz, project director
For: State-of-the-art restoration and renovation project of the Ballantine House, Newark Museum
Award: Preservation Award

Recipient: Buttrick, White & Burtis, Architects & The Grenadier Corporation
For: Convent of the Sacred Heart. Exterior Restoration.
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipients: Katherine S. Howe, curator of decorative arts; Alice Cooney Frelinghusen, curator; Catherine Hoover Voorsanger, associate curator
For: Herter Brothers: Furniture and Interiors for a Gilded Age

Recipients: Anita Jacobson, curator, Lower East Side Tenement Museum; Li-Saltzman Architects; Steve Brosnahan, designer; Pamela Koch, artist
For: Restoration of the Lower East Side Tenement Museum
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipients: Community Access Inc., sponsor; Peter L. Wolf, architect
For: Rehabilitation of Gouverneur Court
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Julie L. Sloan, author
For: Conservation of Stained Glass in America: A Manual for Studios and Caretakers
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: William Alex, author
For: Calvert Vaux, Architect and Planner
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Sara Bradford Landau
For: Author of book The New York Skyscraper 1865-1913, written with Carl Condit
Award: Publication Award

Recipients: Judith Saltzman & Kaitsen Woo Li; SBLM/BY 3 Group’s Phil Magnuson; J.D. Carlisle & M.D. Carlisle; Bob Puddicore, Barnes & Noble
For: Sensitive and intelligent renovation of the Century Building that has enriched and invigorated Union Square and the surrounding area
Award: Preservation Award

Recipients: Terri Bahr, Joanne Jones, Paul Bayard
For: Extensive renovation and system upgrade of the Flushing Town Hall
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipients: Ann Miniberg, archivist for Central Synagogue;Karl Doebley, architect
For: Comprehensive program of restoration of exterior of Central Synagogue
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Morrison Heckscher, curator of architecture. Metropolitan Museum
For: The Metropolitan Museum of Art: An Architectural History; The Architecture of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1870-1890 – an exhibit at the museum
Awards (2) Citation of Merit

Recipient: Richard McDermott
For: New York Chronicle, a quarterly journal celebrating the heritage of Old New York
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Republic National Bank & Platt, Dovell, Architects
For: Williamsburg Savings Bank. Phase One Restoration.
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: University of Chicago Press
For: First 2 volumes of Vera Brodsky Lawrence’s “Strong on Music: The New York Music Scene in the Days of George Templeton Strong”
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Marjorie Pearson
For: Service as Director of Research, New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission
Award: Distinguished Service Award

Recipient: Margot Gayle
For: Outstanding contribution to the preservation of New York City’s historic districts and buildings
Award: Lifetime Achievement

Recipient: Vera Brodsky Lawrence
For: Strong on Music: The New York Music Scene in the Days of George Templeton Strong, Volumes 1 & 2
Award: Publication Award

Recipients: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Thayer Tolles, Donna Hassler
For: American Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Volume 1 – A Catalogue of Works by Artists Born Before 1865
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Judith Saltzman, Li/Saltzman Architects
For: Phase 1 of restoration of the Williamsburg Savings Bank
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Museum of the City of New York
For: Exhibition and catalog: New York on the Rise: Architectural Renderings by Hughson Hawley 1880-1931

Recipient: Metropolitan Museum of Art
For: Exhibition – Edward Burne-Jones: Victorian Artist-Dreamer

Recipient: Andrew S. Dolkart
For: Championed preservation of several buildings in areas such as Tribeca, Harlem, Grammercy Park
Award: Preservation Advocacy Award

Recipients: Sara Bradford Landau; New-York Historical Society
For: Exhibition – George B. Post: Great American Architect

Recipients: NewYork Public Library
Davis Brody Bond, architect
For: Restoration of the Rose reading main Room
Award: Preservation Award

Recipients: Margot Gayle, Carole Gayle
For: co-authored Cast Iron Architecture in America; The Significance of James Bogardus
Award: Publication Award

Susan Soros: Bard Graduate Center in the Decorative Arts
For: Exhibition, catalog and related activities for The Anglo-American Century 1814-1914: Designing an Era (symposium)

Recipient: Susan Soros: Bard Graduate Center in the Decorative Arts
For: The Secular Furniture of E.W. Godwin
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Brooklyn Museum of Art
For: Exhibition, catalog and related activities for Eastman Johnson: Painting America

Recipient: Landmark West!
Award: Preservation Advocacy

Recipient: Thayer Tolles, Donna J. Hessler & Lauretta Dimmick
For: American Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Volume 1, A Catalogue of Works by Artists Born before 1865
Award Publication Award

Recipient: Christopher Forbes
Award: Distinguished Service Award

Recipient: Gabriel Heimann
Award: Newport Summer School Scholarship

Recipient: Josephine Morales
Award: London Summer School Scholarship

Recipient: Laurence Kanter, curator
For: Exhibition, catalog and related activities for Edward Burne-Jones: Victorian Artist-Dreamer

Dr. Regina Kellerman
For: Established a professional standard for recording and interpreting documented history of architectural past
Award: Outstanding Contribution by an Individual

Recipient: Joseph Pell Lombardi
For: Restoration of Octagon House in Irvington-on-Hudson, NY
Award: Preservation Award

Recipient: Elizabeth Collins Cromley
For: Alone Together: A History of New York’s Early Apartments
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: St. Michael’s Church
For: Restoration of stained glass windows and decorative elements by Louis Comfort Tiffany and other Victorian designers
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Prospect Park Alliance
For: Restoration and reopening of carousel
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: New York Historical Society
For: Reviving the Luman Reed Gallery
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Ellen M. Snyder-Grenier
Award: 19th Century Studies Scholarship

Recipients: Walter G. Ritchie, Bonnie Kirschenstein, James Childs, Peter Trippi, Jeffrey Sholeen
Award: 19 th Century Studies Scholarship

Recipients: Edward Brown, Francoise Bollack
For: First Presbyterian Church, New York City
Award: Preservation Award

Recipients: Willene B. Clarke, Leland A. Cook
For: The Stained Glass Art of William J. Bolton
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Alexander __?__
For: Metropolitan Museum of Art Catalog
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Trinity Church
Award: Preservation Award

Recipients: Franklin J. Headley, John L. Oddy
Award: London Summer School

Recipients: Heidi Wasstrom, Jay Schokley
Award: Newport Summer School

Recipient: Jan Hirdy Pokorny
For: Inspired leader to generations of preservation students and professionals
Award: Lifetime Achievement

Recipients: National Audubon Society, Croxton Collaborative, architects
For: Restoration of Audubon House
Award: Preservation Award

Recipients: Alice Cooney Frelinghuyson, associate curator; Gary Interow, Engelhard curator
For: Splendid Legacy: The Havemeyer Collection
Award: Publication Award

Recipients: The Metropolitan Transit Authority, New York City Transit Authority
For: Identifying, cleaning, repairing and protecting the historic tiles of the New York City subway system
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: First Reformed Church of College
For: Repair and repainting of church, maintaining its historic integrity
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Kapell and Kostow, architects
For: Extensive and sensitive restoration of 109 Prince Street
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipients: Central Park Conservancy; New York City Department of Parks
For: Restoration of Harlem Meer landscape
Award: Citation of Merit

Recipient: Anna Tobin D’Ambrosio
For: Exhibit and catalogue: The Distinction of being Different – Joseph P. McHugh and the American Arts and Crafts Movement
Award: Citation of Merit

: Giorgio Cavaglieri, Metropolis Magazine
Award: Outstanding Individual Achievement

Recipient: Helina Rosenthal
For: Upper East Side Historic District
Award: Preservation

Recipient: Elizabeth Del Tufo
Award: Outstanding Individual Achievement

Recipient: Mardges Bacon
For: Ernest Flagg: Beaux-Arts Architecture and Urban Reformer
Award: Publication
: Taisto H. Makela
Award: Newport Summer School Scholarship

Recipient: Stephenson Andrews
Award: 19th Century Studies Scholarship

: Lorraine Gilbert, Larry Park, Brian Melnick, Edward T. Mohlynowski
Award: Newport Summer School Scholarship

Recipient: Kimberly Rhodes
Award: 19th Century Studies Scholarship

Recipients: Elizabeth Vasquez, Amy Wiser, Jan Egan
Award: London Summer School

Recipient: New York City Parks Department
For: Oriental Pavilion in Prospect Park
Award: Restoration Award

Recipient: Fashion Institute of Technology
For: Tartan Exhibit
Award: Special Event Award

Recipient: Lord & Taylor
For: Christmas Windows
Award: Entertainment and Education Award

Recipients: Margot Gayle, Michele Cohen
For: Guide to Manhattan’s Outdoor Sculpture
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Pauline Metcalf
For: Ogden Codman
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Thomas Bender
For: A New York Intellect: A History of Intellectual Life in New York City from 1750 to the Beginnings of Our Time
Award: Publication Award

Recipient: Alice Austen House
For: Photo exhibit of Austen’s work
Award: Restoration Award

Recipient: The Old House Journal May 1976
Award: Publication Award

: New York Botanical Garden
For: Enid Haupt Conservatory
Award: Preservation Award

: The Brooklyn Museum
The Friends of Cast-Iron Architecture
The F.W. Woolworth Company
Award: Metropolitan Chapter Award for Excellence

: Margot Gayle
Award: Individual Achievement

Recipient: U.S. Trust of New York
For: 54th Street Branch
Award: Interior Renovations

Recipient: Whitney North Seymour
Award: Outstanding Individual

Recipient: Joe Roberto
For: Old Merchant’s House
Award: Preservation Award

The Metropolitan Chapter of the Victorian Society in America

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